CHAPTER 316 – The Whole Truth


  Hunji crosses his arms over his wide chest and stares me down “You can wait your ass here. You’re not going anywhere until I say you can.”

  A menacing growl rips from my throat and jump up from the chair. My fists clench and re-clench, my nostrils flare - I feel my beast bursting to come out.

  I try to reign him in, as I know if I let go and let my temper take control, I was going to kill Hunji. He was standing in between me and getting to Tawny.

  Through my haze of aggravation, a delectable and sweet smell tickles my nose when I breathe in trying to calm myself. The scent, one of the gods. Nectarine. A scent I wanted to rub myself all over one that had my manhood twitching as he too recognized the peachy honey scent of his mate.

  “Let me out Hunji,” I say slowly and pointedly. A warning behind my words.

  “No.” He states flatly.