That was the very first instinct he had, and if he could be sure of one thing, it was the fact that his instincts would hardly fail.
She was going hunting the same time as his? Was that a mere coincidence?
"Hello?" Ximena snapped her fingers in front of his face, seeing how reluctant he had become. "Is there something wrong? Are you helping me or not?"
Yes, she needed to sound sassy, but deep down, she was earnestly praying he'd say yes to her.
But,the grumpy fellow said nothing as he walked pass her to the tree where her stick was. Ximena was already having furrowed brows. Could he be any less mysterious than he already was?
"You need arrows...and a bow. And I'm assuming you don't have any of those" he spoke gently as he took up the stick with scrutiny.
"Uh .." Ximena itched her neck. "That's correct. And that's the first place I'd be needing your help. Could you lend me some money so I go get it?"