That morning the knights took off in search of Ethan. After the public display before the King and Queen, the whole town of Dragano knew that Ethan was responsible for the murder of Sir Dominic’s wife and kidnapping of Airow. What really went against him was that he was trying to raise Lord Dominic’s son as his own adopted son. The beatings that Airow had gotten were now public knowledge. When the knights got to Ethan’s house, he was gone. He had cleared out sometime during the night, taking only his horse and a few provisions. The Knights reported back and reported to the King and Lord Dominic what they had found. Realizing the threat was still out there, the King put a bounty on his head and had some of his knights to stay and watch out for Ethan.

  “Lord Dominic, I am leaving some of my knights behind to protect you and your son”.? Said the King.

  Once back home, Airow wanted to train some more.

  “Sir, I feel fine and would like to learn some more if you don’t mind. Can we study here at the house with Jade today?” Asked Airow.

  Lord Dominic told him that he didn't mind as long as they were working on their math with the tutor Lord Richard, who was one of the great mathematicians around. They learned the basic math but also learned distance. This would allow them to compute distance so that they would know what weapon was needed for defense. Airow was excited about what they were learning that he just had to go and tell Lord Dominic.

  “Sir, you would not believe what all we learned today." Said Airow.

  “I know, it’s exciting isn’t it. Airow, I am giving you and Jade training that you won’t get for many years. You because you are my son and Jade because I see something really special in her but can’t say what it is yet." Said Lord Dominic.

  The training that they were getting at home would not be given to them till their last year of school as page. Both children had an act of picking up on things very quickly. He wished that he could train him fully at home, but he knew that he would have to go to Dragon Fang to get the rest of his training. Hopefully, before they had to leave Ethan would be caught and the threat of him being out there would be gone.

  ? As time went on, they relaxed as the knights had gone out every day looking for Ethan. He was nowhere to be found since his escape from jail. They all began to think that he had moved on and was long gone from Dragano. But Dominic still could not be able to rest until Ethan was behind bars where he belongs. Dominic even went out one time to search Ethan’s old house to see what he could find. As he went in the house, he had the most eerie feeling. It just made the hair on his neck stand straight up. While he was there, he found the blanket that had been wrapped around Airow when he was kidnaped, along with some other things he didn’t even know were taken. There were goblets and tokens that he had given his wife when she was alive. He even found a photo he had painted of him and his wife after their son was born. She had always kept it in her bag with her. Sir Dominic rode home and as he rode, he was thanking his lucky stars that his son was still alive and had been returned to him. He was going to make sure a day would not go by without letting Airow know this. When he got home, Airow had just finished his morning meal.

  “Airow, are you ready for some intense riding lessons? I thought I would show you some basic moves plus some tricks that have saved my life a couple of times. It is an unusual trick and hard to keep on, but I believe you will be able to do it. Your horse, Silver Mist, will find it uncomfortable at first. It is not every day that your horse will have you riding under his belly, but it might save your life someday." Said Lord Dominic.

  They went to the stables to get Jade and Silver Mist. As they were walking towards the stables, neither of them noticed a dark cloaked individual lurking in the shadows watching them. Upon reaching the stables, Jade was waiting for their usual training session. Lord Dominic surprised Jade with a horse of her very own. Telling her that every knight deserves their own horse. Jade’s horse was named Moonlight. She was of the deepest black. Sir Dominic told her that when Moonlight was under the moon; her coat shined the deepest black so as to hide her rider. Jade was so excited to get her own horse that she ran to her father, Sir Jonah, who was the keeper of the stables, to let him know of her gift. Her father walked up to her and told her that now she would have to take really good care of her and give her treats. She liked carrots and apples. But she liked the apples more.

  “Jade, if you take good care of her, she will protect you with her life.” Said Lord Dominic.

  Sir Dominic and her father had already talked about getting her a horse. But in exchange for the horse, he would give young Airow’s horse free food and watering while at the stables. They both though it was a good trade.

  ” Sir Jonah, you are a good man.” Said Lord Dominic.

  Jonah knew that the lessons that Lord Dominic was giving Jade were advanced. He knew that she wanted to be a knight, but just didn’t have the heart to tell her no. They both knew that she would have it hard as she was a girl. It was going to be tough, but with a letter from Sir Dominic, they hoped that they would let her in so that she could fulfill her dreams. These days, there was only one place for a girl. Girls were supposed to be in the kitchen and having babies. Sir Jonah, her father, didn’t have the heart to tell her any different. He had a hard time refusing her anything. You see, Jade’s mother had died after giving birth to Jade, due to complications. Jonah swore that his daughter would have whatever she wanted. His wife was the love of his life, and he would commit the rest of his day making her a happy and safe child.

  Neither of the children knew that their fathers had made plans for both. After the birth of the children, the fathers had talked about arranging a marriage for both of them. They would not tell the children. After Airow had been kidnapped, Jonah thought that would be changed. But after Airow was found again, the arrangement was back on. That is one of the reasons that Lord Dominic had given her the horse. This was part of the secret agreement. They just hoped that they would like each other enough so that when they were older and told of the arrangement, they would not object. But until then, they were just two kids who liked each other’s company. Both parents wanted them to marry but decided that if both children did not want to marry each other the arrangement would be null and void. They wanted both of their children happy. Both children saddled their horses. Jade got up on Moonlight so that the horse would learn the weight of her owner.

  “Jade, never let anyone else on her back." Said Lord Dominic.

  “Sir, why not?” Asked Jade.

  Lord Dominic told her that this way she would only answer to Jade. They first started with the trots and the turns. Lord Dominic showed them how to direct their horses with just their knees so that if they ever needed to use their hands for fighting the horse would still go in the direction that they needed to go. They learned to make sharp turns and jumps. Lord Dominic decided that they had learned enough for the day and were going to be sore for a few days after. Both children took their horses back to the stables to cool down. Lord Dominic went with them so that he could instruct them in the proper way to care and brush their horses. He told them, that if you treat your horse right, they will be your best friend. Both horses also received a special treat of an apple for all that they had done for the day. They took off the saddle so that their horses' backs would cool down. To help your horses coat to shine, take the brush and start at his neck and brush with the flow of the hair of your horse. This helps to keep his coat both shiny and bright.? Once inside their stalls, give the fresh feed and water. When you give your horse an apple, you might want to give the apple in your hand so that your horse will know your smell and also that you are their friend. There is nothing stronger than the bond between a horse and his owner.

  Both children then went home and soaked in a tub of liniment so that on tomorrow they would not be sore. They were going to practice riding again in the morning after their lessons. Airow that night dreamed a most strange dream to him. When he awoke, he promised himself that he would ask his father in the morning what it meant. That morning when he went for breakfast, Lord Dominic was waiting there for him to eat.

  “Sir, I had a dream last night that I did not understand, and it confused me." Said Airow.

  Lord Dominic asked him to tell him of the dream. Airow began by saying that he dreamed of himself, when he was older, and that Jade was also in his dream. They were both on their horses. But what was strange is that there were three children with them also on horses. He and Jade were training those children to ride horses, just like what they had done today. His father told him not to worry as it just might be something he will do in the future. Little did Airow know that his grandfather had the same gift of insight and could sometimes see in the future. But it all depends on the choices that a person makes will determine if it stays the same.

  After breakfast, the children were excited about their riding lessons and could not concentrate on their lessons, so their tutors ended the lessons early. Today, they were going to start with the trots and turns again. They also directed their horses with their knees. Both the children and horses were doing very well. The horses went exactly where the children directed them. After completing these small skills Lord Dominic showed them how to ride the underbelly of their horses. He told the children that this was basically used if you must ride out among the enemy and not be seen. It is also a good way to ride if injured so that no one sees you. Jade was the first one to try this, but she was not able to hang on. Airow tried next and he was able to swing underneath, but when the horse began to trot, he landed on his backside right in the middle of a big mud puddle. Jade could not help but to laugh which put Airow in a very bad mood.? When they rode back into town, everyone was staring and wondering what had happened. Airow rode straight back to the stables as he was still mad at Jade laughing at him. Lord Dominic had to hold his laugh in, but he understood how Airow felt. The first time he fell off his horse doing the same thing. He was trying to show off to Lady Elizabeth, his wife. He had been trying to show off and it turned out entirely different.