Airow began explaining that last night during one of the passionate times with his wife, that there was this burning on his throat, but he didn’t think anything about it.

  “Your magic and Jade’s have now become one. Your children will be more powerful than I even thought. When magic combines between mates, it becomes very powerful. Jade has the mark of the wolf, but yours is the wolf howling at the moon. That is a gift from the moon goddess and one of your children will carry the mark.” Said Lord Dominic.

  That night, Sir Jonah and Lord Dominic came to get their grandchildren for the night. It was becoming something that they both enjoyed. They both agreed, it was something they wanted to continue when they got home. While the men had the children, Lord Dominic began to explain what had happened. Jonah was amazed. Both grandfathers knew that the mark was not on these children, so it must mean that it will be on others or the next generation.