Bernard watched as the three of them walked away and now he lusted after the former Queen. He would make her his if it was the last thing he did. Christian was looking down at the mother of his children as they talked about wishing that had worked. Lord Dominic spoke up.
“Queen Ashlee, it was working until Sara lee looked over at Bernard and saw how he was lusting after you.” Said Lord Dominic.
“Christian, we had better keep watch out for the queen. I believe that Bernard will do what he can to kidnap her.” Said Dominic.
“I know. I saw that. It reminded me of being in the presence of King Damien all over again.” Said Christian.
“Do you remember how this happened the last time, Lord Dominic?” Asked Ashlee.
“Yes, You and the children were sent to us to be protected and on the way, Sir Clifton took you and left the kids. But this time, you have all of us here to protect you.” Said Lord Dominic.