Robert and Sandy answered a link from Lord Bernard saying Daniel was about to kill him. The two of them ran as quickly as possible and found the trio tangled up. Of course, Lord Bernard had an answer for him being tied up inside of Cassandra.
“She tempted me and told me that Daniel wasn’t man enough for her and she wanted me to help her out!” Exclaimed Lord Bernard.
“What a line of bull.” Exclaimed Daniel and Cassandra. I caught him earlier trying to come on to her and told him that we were mates.” Said Daniel.
“You did not.” Stated Lord Bernard.
“Lord Bernard, they did tell you that as I was also in the room at that time.” Stated Thomas.
When Robert and Sandy heard what all they were telling, they took Bernard straight to a cell till he could go before the elders. They immediately called a pack doctor for Cassandra as she was carrying Daniel’s baby to find out what they could do. The doctor came in and examined her. But the prognosis was not good.