After the meeting with the parents, Monster contacted Casey to let him know what was going on. Casey fumed the whole time during the conversation. Casey then asked Monster if he knew how to find someone name Aunt Ashley. Monster was puzzled and asked why? We just performed a physical on Roxanne and found that from her abuse that some of her organs had bruises, but they would heal. Now it was Monster’s turn to get mad again. Casey asked who this Aunt Ashley was and why was she so important. Monster told Casey that she is the Luna of the Shadowlands and that all those who were expecting went there so that their babies would come into the world safely since no one knew where it was. Casey, are you trying to tell me something? Monster, we just found out Roxanne is in the early stages of her pregnancy, but we do not know how long it will be before they arrive. Monster was flabbergasted. Did you just say they? Asked Monster.