There were over fifty Lenard Lees in City X, and searching through their profiles would take so much time. Furthermore, I was never awesome with a computer. Even when I was working in corporate in Lin Corp, the most we got to use were word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software.
Kaiser probably hadn’t taught me how to operate the system for a fairly good reason. He probably didn’t trust me that well, or there was something else. I didn’t know, and I hoped he wasn’t watching the CCTVs right now. If he knew what I was up to, I couldn’t imagine what kind of punishment he would order on me.
Right now, he must be on the plane, I thought as I looked at the time on the taskbar of the computer screen. I had to make use of the time as much as I could. I quickly browsed the information on the first Lenard I found. Then I scrolled for the photographs of each ‘Lenard’ in the system. Some of these photographs had been grabbed off social media or hacked from their accounts.