Five days later, I calmly entered the venue of the party where Carson Gao was due to attend as its esteemed guest.

  I almost felt naked in the thin silk material of the pure white dress Kaiser had got for me. The material tickled every time it came into contact with my bare skin. Shrugging away the feeling of nakedness, I was confident I would be able to carry the elegant yet scanty dress.

  For Kaiser and the ultimate revenge in my hands, I would do it, even if I had to cheapen myself. I was that determined as a person.

  “You’re Shea Tay? The guest introduced by Kent Kai?”

  Kaiser had even come up with a false name for me, as well as for himself. I went with it. With my fair looks and minimal Asian roots, I would be able to convince a crowd of my fake persona.

  “I’m Oscar Zion, welcome to my party.”