CHAPTER 2 Isaiah

  Thinking about the conversation with Zira earlier had me tearing a hole into another punching bag. That was my third one so far.

  I don’t understand your frustration. She’s not our mate, my wolf Devon reminded me.

  Don’t you think I know that, I snapped at him. Still, I felt connected to her somehow. Every time we touched, I could feel something close to a spark. Wasn’t that similar to what others say a mate’s touch feels like? Maybe something was blocking us.

  “Hunter, I need another o-,” I yelled across the gym, just as Hunter dropped another bag near my feet. Hunter has been my best friend since birth, so, of course, he became my Beta. Also the fact that he was one of few people that got me.

  There were times when I needed to talk to someone and there were times I needed to talk with my fists. Hunter knew of those times. He dragged the broken bag away as I hooked up the new one and started another round of boxing.

  I couldn’t get the fact that Zira wanted to leave out of my head. We’ve been friends for the past five years and not once has she said anything about leaving. It wasn’t until yesterday that my father brought it to my attention.

  Well, a lot has been brought to my attention since I started taking over. Becoming the next Alpha of the Black Moon Pack comes with a lot of responsibilities. We went over contracts we had with other packs, border expansion, financial information from the businesses we had in other towns, boring letters from the Elders Wolves, requests to join our pack, and only one request to leave.

  Leaving a pack wasn’t unheard of. Most people do it when they find their mate and leave to go stay with their mate's pack. Being that my sister and I share everything, I knew Zira hadn't found her mate. So it confused me when I saw her name on the request. I had to control myself and not rip it up.

  I wasn’t really mad that she wanted to leave, but I had plans. Plans that included her. First, I wanted to get settled in my position as Alpha. The first year is always the hardest one, according to my father. I wanted to get comfortable before thinking about finding a mate but I knew once I turned 21, I wouldn't wait any longer. If Zira didn't have a mate by then, I would step into that role. At least that was my plan until this.

  “So I’m guessing this is about Zira,” Hunter asked, breaking me out of my trance. I stopped for a second to look at him.

  "Yeah and the fact that you were flirting with her," I growled at him. He held his hands up and stepped away as I continued my assault on the punching bag. Hunter was the only person who knew how I felt about Zira after the first day we met.

  “It was harmless fun. Anyway, don't you have Victoria now? Aren't you guys, you know?”

  I stopped boxing and looked at him. “We don’t see each other that way. I just say it to keep my mother off my back and Victoria is cool with that. So drop it.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m not a punching bag, remember.”

  I went back to boxing. “Well, this one is almost done. So you might want to get another one.”

  Hunter stood up to move the punching bag, causing me to give him a confused look. “Actually, you might want to save this one for later. Guests are going to be arriving in an hour and he wants you to be ready to greet them. So-”

  He didn’t have to finish that sentence. Guests were arriving soon, which means I needed to be ready like an hour ago and I had about five minutes before my mother came to get me. I nodded as we both left to get ready.

  Being an Alpha is not only about looking over papers and contacts but also showing your face. These guests were coming from neighboring packs and I had to keep up appearances.

  I wasn’t much for big parties, but it came with the territory. It was also the best way to strengthen friendships and bonds, so that was a plus. Though this party wasn’t about celebrating the fact I was Alpha. It was my mother’s way of trying to find a suitable mate for us, mainly Isabella. If only she knew what a waste of time it was going to be.

  As I was getting dressed I laughed at the thought of a man trying to court Isabella. My sister was a tough person. Both in battle and in general. Call it sexist, but she only goes easy on women. Well, except for our mother. So I knew tonight was going to be interesting. Maybe I’ll at least get a laugh tonight.

  I was pacing in my office going over the guest list to make sure I knew all of the important names when I heard a knock on the door. By the scent, I knew it was Zira and I knew why she was here. I looked over at my desk and saw her request that still needed to be signed. By me. S.hit! What was I going to do?

  “Um...kinda busy. Can you come-”

  “Sorry Alpha-I mean-Isaiah. Your mother just wanted me to let you know some of the guests are arriving and I was just checking on my request,” she said loudly through the door.

  "Thank you, Zi. Just tell my mother I'll be right down." I stayed quiet, hoping she would get the message.

  "Awesome and my request?" Damnit! She's relentless.

  I cracked the door open slightly and noticed she wasn’t dressed. She was wearing a cute purple and white sports bra with matching jogging pants. Her exposed skin was covered with sweat as if she came from a steam room. Her eyes followed mine before smiling.

  “Sorry. Parties make me nervous and I workout when I’m nervous. Anyway, I have to hurry and get ready myself so…,” she trailed off, giving me an opportunity to finish her sentence with an answer to her question. Maybe I can play dumb.

  “Right, my mother. Just let her know I’ll be down shortly.” I tried to quickly close the door before Zira stopped it with her arm.

  “And my request,” she asked with an irritated tone.

  Man, she was adamant. “Look, Zira. I’ve just been a bit busy trying to get used to everything. So I’ll get to it as soon as I can.”

  With that, I firmly closed the door feeling like an idiot. There was no way she was going to give this up. I had to find a way to get her to stay and it had to be tonight.