Isaiah was wiped out from all the activities he did with Arias at the festival. He was still pissed from the fight earlier with Zira. Not to mention all the pity stares from the members of his pack. The only thing keeping his irritation down was the laughs and smiles from his son. So, he kept his mind focused on Arias.
As the night winded down, Isaiah noticed that Arias was sneezing and coughing, and he started to get fussy. Arias was a bit warmer than usual, so Isaiah took him to Doctor Callie who was helping with the festival breakdown.
Doctor Callie sighed. “He’s coming with another fever, Alpha. We can get over to the pack’s hospital to keep an eye on him.”
Isaiah was about to speak, only to be interrupted by Zelda, Zira’s mother.
“Nonsense, Doctor Callie. I am more than qualified to watch over him here. That way he is not too far away from his parents. If it gets serious, I’ll bring him in myself.”