Two full cars, a crowded private jet, and two hours later, the crew settled into a room in the Alpha King’s Palace. Zira wanted to be excited to be here, in the home of the Alpha King, but her current situation only made her nervous.
I hate waiting, Zira thought, constantly looking at the double doors closed down the hall. Isaiah made sure someone had brought her a plate of food. He knew she got snack-ish when she was nervous, but even this plate full of assorted cheese, fruits and bread wasn’t helping.
Lana left with Isaiah to inform the Council they were here. Now they were waiting to be summoned. To what? Zira was anxious to find out. She tried to keep her attention on Arias, who decided he was too old to sit in her lap.
“I sit myself,” he said, struggling to climb up on the bench and sit next to her.
“Of course, Bugga. You’re a big boy now.”
She couldn’t help but smile as she watched him, making sure not to intervene with his progress.