CHAPTER 176 Who’s feeling lucky…

  Isaiah angrily walked through the forest looking for the entrance of the Ancient Walkers Pack. They had been roaming for what seemed like hours and the sunlight was starting to fade. His window to get to Zira and Arias was slowly closing. Their luck was running out he thought as he embraced the cold wind picking up through the forest. The only person in the group that had been there before was having memory issues.

  “I swear I thought it was here. This tree looks familiar,” Percy said, examining a plain tree. A shoe flew right in his head.

  “You’ve said that about every freaking big tree we’ve passed, Percy,” Lana yelled, taking off her other heel. “If I had known we were going to be walking I would’ve brought different shoes.”

  “I could carry you,” Percy offered as Lana answered him with a growl.

  “Are we even sure this place is real,” Hunter asked. “Ah!”

  He jumped out of the way when Mary plopped down beside him.