Chapter 66

  Flashback Continues...

  Phoebe Point of View

  This is ridiculous!

  This is too much, seriously.

  How am I going to handle this hot headed man?

  I wish I can just hit him and take my frustration out. He is driving me insane with his strange ideas.

  "I can't believe I am having such elaborated argument with you for something like this." Nicco grumbled, pulling off his shades and threw them on to the tea table.

  "I know right! I can't believe you are so stubborn." I retorted, taking a long sip of cool water which helped in relaxing my throat after the long arguments.

  Why has he turned into such stubborn person? I thought he was calm and a cool minded person! Where have I gone wrong in realizing him?

  "Bella, we are going to reed fields to enjoy some romantic time and that's final." He declared pulling me to him.

  No! Never! Though I like to explore reed fields and enjoy a cool evening, I am not in mood for the outdoor walk today.