Chapter 93

  Valentina Rose Bianchi Point of View


Life is such a silly Demon.

It doesn’t give you what you want; only gives what it likes.

“Ms. Bianchi, Ma’am, we got what you asked for.” I jerked back from my thoughts as my assistant provided me with the folders I was looking for.

“Good. You may leave now, Arran. Do not forget to stalk the stock fluctuations and report me back.” Ordering him to keep an eye on the stock market, I sighed deeply reading over the documents in front of me.

Being a Bianchi may seem all Gold and Platinum but only the one with the tag will know the burden of expectations and responsibilities knows what an ache it is to keep up with the spineless aristocratic title that gives more of a pain than pleasure.

As a floral designer, as a lover of flowers, as a chairman of the best floral company in the world, might I say, if there is something I can relate to closely is, flowers.