Chapter 103

  Arsenio Point of View

“You son of a –“


“No, you good for n-“

“Naughty rendezvous?”

“How could you –“

“Be this handsome and happening. I know, I wonder the same.”

“I will kill –“

“Anyone who captures my heart apart from you? I think that is going a little far. Let’s put our passion towards each other lightly.”

It will take me years to calm the anger with is in full swing inside me but I don’t have that much time before I settle the rows with the sneaky bastard who is a good for nothing nuisance for the world.

How dare he?

Emptying the glass of water on my head in a mere and a useless attempt to cool down myself, I plopped down on the large settee right in front of the Bianchi bastard.

If only I can kill him with all those medieval torture tools but sadly, he has his own knowledge on those methods himself.

How I wish I could slap the smirk off his face.