Chapter 5

  I spend the night coming home because of our folk dance practice for the introduction of our Prom. I really love dancing. We are in the auditorium and all fourth year are here. There were others who did not join.

  "Hi!" I watched as Simon came close to Jezel that was next to me and wiping away the sweat.

  "Are you going home? I'll come with you.” I smiled and returned the towel and mineral to my bag. I'm so tired and I feel so sweat.

  I confronted him. "Are you hitting on me again Simon ? Does your girlfriend no longer want you? Maybe Cara will get furious to me again! "

  He gasped "What are you talking about Rox? I'm being nice here. I'll just drive you home. "

  I nodded. "Fine! What ever you say. Come on Jez, Simon is supposed to bring us."

  My forehead creased when I saw him panicked. "Uh! No thanks. I-I'm still going through somewhere."

  "Are you sure? It's too bad! It's free." I laughed.Simon suddenly looked at Jezel.I smell something fishy.

  I just shrugged my shoulders at my conclusion to the two of them. Being courted of so many boys, I knew that kind of thing right away. Such a reaction. There's something fishy about Simon and Jez, hmmm.

  "I think your friend is avoiding me." Simon said when we were in the parking lot.

  People now a days. Just seeing a woman and a man together is already somethings in their eyes. Simon was just so nice to me. He's like a brother for me actually.I'm bored being the only daughter.

  "So what if you're being avoided? Are you two close?" I raised my eyebrows intently at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

  "What's with your face? Are you jealous?" He asked suddenly.

  I gasped in annoyance and hit his arm.

  He laughed. "No way! I'll be ugly before that happens."

  I opened the door of his car and went in there. Fill in the blanks as he enters.

  "I'm just kidding! You're just a sister for me Rox. "

  I rolled my eyes. "Your drama ! Well, the feeling is mutual brother Simon. " I teased him. We're always like this so we're mistaken for dating.

  "You're a drama too, baby."

  "Yuck! Don't call me that." I closed my eyes because I didn't want him to call me baby. There seems to be a space in me that I don't want to hear others call me baby because I only remember Sav called me then.

  "Why? Baby, I mean baby girl."

  "What ever! Baby girl, Not baby."

  "Okay, baby girl." he said and started the car. I received a few calls from Caleb and there were others I did not know.

  I ignored all that. I even turned off my phone because I already knew the whole thing. They are too clingy and possessive.

  I took a glanced at my wristwatch and saw that it was seven o'clock in the evening. I was hungry and tired. When we came out of the gate, Simon came out immediately and opened the door for me.

  I smiled. "I don't want to thank you. " I laughed but he frowned when he pinched my cheek.

  "You're cute baby girl! Is your dad there?"

  I shook my head and took the bag. "Nope! In another country. He's busy."

  He nodded. "Ah okay. Can I ask for Jez's number?"

  I smirked and looked at him.

  "I know right! What happened to Simon, the playboy? Why did you ask me not to her?"

  He bit his lip.

  "Your bestfriend punch me last time."


  "I kissed her.” he admit.

  I covered my mouth and kicked him.

  "How dare you to stole her first fucking kiss Simon?" he laughed.

  "You have no idea baby girl. Go ahead. Maybe I'll get a black eye here."

  "Yes, leave! I won't give you her number."

  "I know ! Atleast I am her first kiss."he even winked at me which made me want to. I immediately went inside as he left.

  The whole house was quiet. A maid come close to me.

  "Good evening ma'am. Your dinner is ready."

  I nodded. "What our dish?"

  "Sir Savier cooked tour food ma'am."

  I raised an eyebrow. So it means he is already here. I immediately went to the bedroom to take another shower and get dressed before eating.

  I wore a sleeveless gray top and black shorts. I also combed my long hair. While eating, the maid come to me again.

  "Ma'am, Sir Sav wants you. He's in his room."

  I swallowed and nodded. "Did he have dinner?"

  She shook her head. "Not yet ma'am.”

  I bit my lip.I was nervous. He cooked but he didn't eat.

  After I ate. I washed my hands after that I took a plate and a bowl to put rice and a dish. I also took some juice and put them on the tray.

  I stopped. Gosh, why am I doing this? I blew air before going to his room.

  I knocked.

  "Come in." Hearing his voice makes me close my eyes. I opened it and saw him looking at the two laptops on the table that were on the side.The laptop wired to the CCTVs.

  "You're looking for me?"

  Damn ... why am I stuttering? He took a deep breath and stared at me. He looked at the tray I was carrying. I cleared my throat and approached his desk and landed in the vacant space there.

  I couldn't look at him so I looked around his room.

  There's Sofa set in front of flatscreen tv. There is a table here with a swivel chair. A king size bed covered by a black cushion. also black colored carpet lying on the floor. In one word. ‘Manly' is really his room.

  I was just standing there by his side. He leaned back in his swivel chair and he leaned his back to its backrest. He looked tired but so handsome. I mean, no words can explain his appearance.

  "Why you are late? I cook your favorite.” He asked that I was simply tired of looking. I want to be embarrassed.

  "We have a practice for the prom." I explained. Maybe papa will keep an eye on me. He nodded and massage his lip. I looked at his lips for a moment and immediately avoided. He smirked and licked his lips. Damn .. am I obvious?

  He stood up so I looked up because of his stature. He took a step towards me.

  "Four more nights you were late coming home." every step he takes forward he is my back. Gosh..what is he doing?

  I blinked as I couldn't look at him directly. Then three more back was leaning on the wall. I immediately felt the cold wall. Dead end.

  "Who drive you here?" he asked seriously but I don't think I heard. The noise of my heart rate overcame me more. I was just stunned when he bowed slightly so we could look each other. He put his both hands on either side of my head.

  I cursed a million in my mind. I am nervous. I took a deep breath. I forgot our distance just a few feet away. The heat of his body seemed to attract me. Shit.

  "Distance please !I can't breath.” I said coldly to him and pushed him slightly but he was harder, he didn't move.

  "Shall I repeat my question Roxette?" I could hear the anger in his voice there.

  I gritted my teeth with so much of emotions. "Why? Why are you asking ? Because dad asked you? That you should watch over me? Your so sweet uncle then?"

  His jaw clenched. The vein came out of his arm because his fist was already clenched on my side. I was nervous because of that.

  He leaned closer. His nose was so close to mine. Just a little movement our lips would touch! Fuck! Does he know what he is doing?

  "I'm watching you the way I want. I don't need anyone else's notice. Now, answer me. Who is that? Boyfriend?"

  I stared at him. "He's Simon. A friend not a boyfriend. " I focused my gaze on his lips.

  His hand touch my lips."Who's your first kiss?" He asked huskily in a cold voice.

  I swallowed and shook. "Nothing yet."

  But I remember the one on the veranda. His lips slightly touched my lips then. But just a little! I don't know if it was a first kiss?

  He nodded briefly. "What if ...." he tucked some strand of my hair in my ear.

  "I kiss you right now? What will you do?" He whispered that only the two of us could hear.

  I was shocked as if my whole being shook at what he said. What the hell! I bit my trembling lips and looked at his lips again. Hm..inviting .. what does it taste like? So soft?

  His kiss on my cheek made me close and he slowly moved his lips closer to mine. My leg shook as his lips lightly touched mine. He pressed my waist. But my lips were not completely kiss his lips when there was a knock on the door.

  I took a deep breath and pushed him. Oh my god.

  I covered my lips as he looked up and covered his forehead, as if angry.

  "Who's fucking that ?!" he shouted.

  "Ah, Sir! ! Here's what you're asking for from the boutique." said the maid outside the door.

  Sav walked there while I was looking for a support because I thought I would collapse. I raised my hand on the table and rewind in my mind what happened. I heard the door close so I looked up. He has two boxes that are large and one that is small.

  He handed it to me. "For you."

  I blinked and took it. "What's this?"

  "Open it." Damn! His husky voice . He's really my ideal man. I laid it on the table and took off the ribbon that was rolled up in the big box.

  I gasped in surprise. It's a cocktail dress!

  "Oh my god. It's beautiful!" I gasped in awe.How did he know that cocktail dress was the motif at our prom? Gosh.

  He nodded. It was gray with glitters. That tube type but no cleavage. It's just straight, not V neck. Seems like he don't want to show my chest? It's really super nice. It fits me even in just look. I also took off the roll of a box and found those silver stilettos ! How nice!

  I smiled and looked at him. "Thank you, really!" He bit his lip as he looked at me. A hint of amusement plastered on his face.

  "All for"