Chapter 25

  "I'm sorry to say this ... but she lost her baby. Let's avoid stressing her and maybe more blood will come out. The baby is one and a half months old." and I heard the doctor excused himself. I saw papa closed his eyes .I cried and tears welled up in my eyes. My heart beating so loud. I am hurt but angry at the same time. The reality suck in my mind. I am pregnant. I don't know that because there's no signs! And now I lost it! I lost my baby! I cried silently.

  I could hear the sound of oxygen and aircon throughout the room. I am here in hospital. I can't say any words. After what happened. After what I did. I am trying to forget I but I can't. What I did to leave Savier was stabbed right into my chest and personality! The man I love and thefather of my baby who disappeared in an instant!

  "H-Hija." My dad's voice laced of concern. I didn't bother to look at him. I don't care anymore. I am too numb of everything.