My eyes watered. No matter what it brings, I will accept it.

  I took my pouch and went out of my room. When I came out. My three body guards immediately followed me.

  "Sir. He came out." I heard one of them say.

  "Alright sir." He says again.

  Shortly before I could leave the tower, my cellphone rang.

  I gasped when I saw Zeke's name.


  "Shall I repeat Catalena again?" I can taste his madness. "Which of the things I said you can't come out of my pad, which of it that you don't understand huh Catalena?"

  I stopped walking and bit lips. "Darla and I will just meet." my answer is weak.

  He paused, "No."

  I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. No one can stop me. Even if I get scolded a few more times I have to do it.

  “Uh.I'm just going to the bathroom. "I said goodbye to the body guards. They looked at each other.