Chapter 8

  Ava’s POV

  Ray was putting the last box containing my sneakers in the trunk of his car when I let the first tear fall.?

  I had tried to keep a happy face but I finally couldn't do it. The pain in my chest was becoming too much. The smile I tried putting on my face finally? faltered.

  I had no doubt in my mind that Bryson was indeed the devil incarnate. This man was pure evil, every word he spoke sent chills down my spine. There's this feeling his presence brought. I couldn't quite explain it, but it was there and I wanted it gone.??

  So much for trying to be happy for once. Of course he'd be the one to turn my happiness to sorrow and agony. Of course he'd be the one dancing through my sobbing.

  The words he had spoken to me were replaying over and over again in my mind. Every single word had been imprinted in the back of my head perfectly.

  The minute Ray had packed his Lamborghini in front of my house, his brother had laughed. Of course he would make fun of me.??