Daisy’s POV
I opened my eyes slowly and looked around….
It’s afternoon and im surprised to be waking up from a sleep cause I don’t even do afternoon sleep. How come I’m just waking up now?
I sat up but flinched at the pain on the back of my palm,my gaze went there and I gasp when I saw an IV fluid connected to the back of my palm.
Everything came rushing back to my head.
I remembered..i saw a huge wolf,with deep brown fur and big blue eyes, walking towards me when I was about pressing in the unlock code..it was so scary and huge. How did the wolf get into the house without us noticing or was I imagining things?
I must be imagining stuff!
I removed the damn drip and cleaned the blood off my hand.
I’m okay!
Who brought me to my bed,I remembered no one was at home when I went into the secret passage.
Was it Mig?