Gianna’s P.o.v

  After Ashley left, I was left all alone in the room, I could hear the music from the party.

  Xander and Jamal have been trying to talk to me and see me but I refused, I just want to be alone.

  Now that I think about it,I really don’t know why am feeling this way, letting Skylar’s word get to me.

  Is it really time to let go of the past and be who I really am?

  Xander would always tell me how beautiful I am but what if someday he gets tired of hanging with me.

  I can’t be like this all my life,I can’t hide myself,maybe it is time.

  Am ready,no more hiding.

  I ran to the bathroom to take a shower, after showering I brought out one of the dresses Ashley packed for me like she knew I would need it.

  I wore it, it was a little bit short but I think it’s okay.

  I blow dried my hair,then decided to curl it.

  In a few minutes,I was done,I looked at myself in the mirror,I had no make up but I think am okay.