Gianna’s P.o.v

  No,I can’t still believe it, Jamal and Madison are obviously lying to me,am so sure of it.

  “No,you are lying,Jamal,Xander would never do such to me”

  “Am not lying,I wanted to tell you but…

  “KEEP SHUT,YOU ARE LYING” I yelled,while Madison laughed.

  “You still don’t want to believe” Madison said.

  “Get out of here” Ashley said glaring at her,she walked away.

  “Am going to talk to Xander and I want to go alone” I said.

  I walked over to his locker and there he was talking to his friends.

  Did he really do this to me?

  “Gigi” he said immediately he saw me,he gave his friends a signal and they walked away.

  “We need to talk” I said.

  “Okay, about?”

  “Xander,I need you to be completely honest with me with what am about to ask you”

  “Okay but you are scaring me”

  “Did..Did you place a bet on me with your friends?” I asked and I saw the look of shock on his face.