Alexander’s P.o.v

  After my argument with Gigi, I walked away because her words got to me so bad.

  My dad always called me a disappointment anytime he saw me with a guitar but when Gigi said it, it hurt me so much.

  I started remembering how my dad would throw every of my guitar away when I was little.

  He would burn all my song books,he would call me a big disappointment.

  My mom would always support him no matter what bad he did.

  I was so engrossed in my thinking that I didn’t notice the truck coming with full speed.

  Before I could get away,I waa already knocked down by it.

  I fell down with a loud thud on the floor,I passed out immediately.

  Gianna’s P.o.v

  After mom told me what happened to Xander,she drove I and Jamal to the hospital.

  I didn’t even wait for the car to stop,I jump out and ran into the hospital ignoring the calls from my brother and mother.

  I got to the receptionist, panting heavily.