Few months later.

  Alexander’s P.o.v

  “All those times that I just want to stare at your eyes with the stars in the night.

  All those times,I just want to feel your warm embrace.

  You are just a dream that came true,I never you could here with me.

  I just can’t compare you with anything in this world”

  I finished reading the poem to her and she just smiled.

  We were in the garden late at night in my house.

  “That was beautiful, Xander, how do you always come with it?”

  “I just look at you amd words start flowing,you are my muse”

  She kissed me slightly on the lips, then we hugged.

  “I love you so much,Xander,so damn much”

  “Gianna Flores,I love you too,more than you can imagine” I said and she giggled.

  “How about we go in, it’s getting cold out here”


  We walked into the living room.

  “Our parents aren’t home yet?”

  “No and I don’t think they will be home today” I said sadly.