Alexander’s P.o.v

  I can’t believe this idiot called Jackson came to visit me,he has never for once in his life come to see me,I don’t know what changed.

  I had to tell Gianna to go back home,I will come visit her later.

  I didn’t like the way Jackson was staring at her.

  For the first time in a long time,My Parents were around,am sure it’s because Jackson is around.

  They always give him all the love, even more than me,their own son.

  “Jackson,how is school?” My dad asked.

  “It’s great,Uncle,I will be graduating from college in a little while”

  “That’s good,Alex will also be graduating soon”

  I tried not to pay attention to what they were saying.

  “So,Xander,who was that babe out there?”

  “That’s Gianna, she’s my girlfriend and please don’t forget that if you don’t want to have problems with me”

  “Alex has a girlfriend?” My dad asked,am not surprised,he is never around for anything,am not even sure he knows my real age.