Gianna’s P.o.v

  I was about to go meet Xander,when the doorbell rang.

  “Maybe, that’s Xander” I said to myself.

  I ran to open the door but it was Jackson,what does he want?

  “Can I help you?” I asked

  “Can I at least come in?”

  “No,you can’t,if Xander comes and sees you here,he won’t take it easy on you”

  “Okay,I only came here to apologise”

  “Apologise for what?” I asked and raised an eyebrow.

  “I spoke rudely about your boyfriend”

  “My boyfriend is also your cousin,so I think you should apologise to him instead”

  “We are not really on good terms”

  “Am not surprised,you are such a jerk to him” I said and he chuckled.

  “Is that what you think?”

  “No, it’s what I think, it’s what I know”

  “Well,am trying to change,I think”

  “Well,try harder,I have to go now”

  “No, wait” he said and I stopped.

  He kept staring at me with a confused face.