Gianna’s P.o.v

  I still couldn’t believe it,I always knew that Ashley found my brother attractive but I thought it was nothing.

  Ashley has always hated dating plauboys and Jamal is the perfect definition of a playboy.

  Why would she sleep with him?

  “Am going downstairs,You both should dress up and meet me in the living room” I said and walked away.

  I can’t believe my best friend is sleeping with my twin brother, Jamal of all people.

  This is insane.

  “Gianna, it’s not what you think”Ashley said as she came downstairs with Jamal.

  “It’s not what I think, Ashley,so what were you two doing in the room, talking?

  Ashley,of all the people in the world,it had to be my twin brother,Damn it.

  Ashley, Jamal is a chronic player,he sleeps with random girls,he doesn’t care about feelings.


  “I LOVE HIM”She yelled cutting me off.

  “You what?”

  “I love him,I admit it,am hopelessly in love with Jamal”