Few weeks later.

  Gianna’s P.o.v

  As we go on,we remember all the times we’ve spent together.

  As our lifes changed from whatever

  We will still be friends forever

  That was our graduation song, finally it was graduation day and am so happy.

  My mom was around, Ashley and thankfully Xander’s parents were around as well.

  There is no greater feeling than graduating from college with my twin brother,my bestie/Sister and the love of my life.

  “Now,everyone,on the count of three,you throw your caps in the air.

  1,…2,…3” The Vice chancellor said and we threw our caps in the air.

  “CONGRATULATIONS” Everyone screamed.

  “Congrats,Sis”Jamal said and hugged me so tight.

  “Congrats,bro, finally we can be free from each other” I said making him chuckle.

  “You know you can’t get rid of me so easily” he said,our mom approached us

  “Aww,my babies” She said pinching our cheeks.