Author’s P.o.v

   Time went so slowly for Gianna,she had never felt so much pain in her life.

   The day Xander left her was the day every bit of love she felt for him turned to extreme hatred.

   She burnt everything that reminded her of Xander.

   Gianna’s mother decided that they move out of their house,to Gianna,it was the best thing to do.

   She wouldn’t be able to see that window directly in front of her window.

   She learnt to forget,she learnt to move on,She cursed every single minute she spent with him and hoped to never see him again.








   “Push,Ma’am,you have to push” The doctor said.

   The patient was in serious pain,the doctor and the two nurses were trying to deliver her baby.

   “If you don’t push right now,we might lose the baby”

   With little strength,she pushed and the beautiful baby boy came right out.