3 days later.

      Gianna’s P.o.v

  I was at home all alone, Jamal was at Cleveland and Ashley went to Chicago.

   I have been talking to Jayden and we are just friends.

   I was taking a cup of coffee when the doorbell rang.

   “Am coming” I said as I walked over to the door,I opened and I was shocked.

   “What..what are you doing here?”

   “I came to check up on you”


   “Can’t I come in?”

   “Oh, sorry,you can” I said and he walked in.

   “I came to check up on you,I just felt like coming”


   We stared at each other, there was an awkward slience.

    “ are you?”

   “Am fine, what about you?”

   “Am good”

   “Xander,I know what happened six years ago” I said and his eyes widen.

   “What do you mean?”

   “What your parents said to you,how your parents threatened you to leave me”