Gianna’s P.o.v

  “Mom, what do you mean by aborting the baby?”Jamal asked,he was also surprised.

   “You heard me, basically that is a bastard child because she isn’t married to Xander”

   “But mom,I remember very clearly that you had I and Jamal when you weren’t married to dad,so it doesn’t make you any better”

   My mom slapped me again,this time I turned the other cheek so that she could slap me.

     “Go ahead and slap me again,you can even slap me to death because I would rather die than abort my own child”

   “Mom,Gigi can’t abort the pregnancy,I agree that it is Xander’s child but it is also hers meaning the child is part of us,we can’t get rid of it”Jamal said and my mom sighed.

   “Then what do we do about this shameless act?”

   “Gianna will travel out of the country to have her baby and start a new life”

   “What about Xander,what about…

   “He won’t know about it, Gianna you are leaving and that’s final”Jamal said interrupting me.