"Has he been divorced with Angel's mother for so long? He and his daughter must have had a hard time" Bethel thought pitifully as she sat beside Angel who lay peacefully on the bed.

  She was begining to think Harry has no ulterior motive but again,who will just turn a girl into his sex slave just because her father owed h money? And he's not just any man.

  A billionaire!.

  He even made her his daughter's nanny.

  Billionaires always want the best for their families and she is nowhere near the best and he knows that she doesn't even have the experience.

  "Is he testing me or what?"

  "Maybe if I take care of his daughter in a living way,he will one day let go of my father's debt"

  Bethel thought. She smiled at Angel the moment she lit her eyes.

  Angel had that kind of grayish brown eyes similar to hers.

  She liked the little girl the very first moment her eyes found her.

  "Do you want anything?" She asked her. Angel shook her head.