Annie was shocked for seconds. She even looked sideways to be sure Bethel had just spoken to her in that manner.

  It was the audacity for her.

  Annie couldn't hold it anymore. She pounce forward like a predator would go after it's prey. She grabbed hold of Bethel's hair from behind and that made Bethel turn in a swift.

  "Did you just speak to me in that manner? How dare you! You're just a slave! A mere slave to my fiance and I" Annie shrieked and Bethel forced her hair out of Annie grip, she wasn't surprised Annie knew about her being a slave or maybe Harry told her.

  "A slave to your fiance, not a slave to you, Mistress" Bethel replied and still walk out on her.

  Annie sheathed in pure undiluted anger. Her hand itched to hit Bethel but she can't. She have to be in her best behavior in other to win Harry over.

  Maybe reporting Bethel would do. She thought and strode to his room. She knocked and heard his soft voice minutes later.