
CHAPTER 21: Alive Again


  I gasp, and my eyes shoot open! I breathe heavily as I look around the room. I'm in the infirmary again. No one is here this time. "Why do I keep waking up here, damn it!" I say aloud. I try to get up, but I have cords and tubs stuck to me and in me. "How long was I out for? Yeah, that tube has to come out." I was referring to the catheter coming from under my gown. The only thing I can think to do is mind-link, Dad. "Dad, can you get a nurse to come to unplug me? I think I'm charged up now." My sarcasm let him know I was OK.

  "Amelie! You're awake! I'll have someone right there. We are coming up to see you too. Don't try running off now." He chuckles at the end.

  "I'm still plugged in. I can't really run around yet." I chuckle back. He ends the mind link, and a minute later, a nurse and the Doctor come in.