
CHAPTER 42: Change Again


  After Gideon went up to take a shower, I turned to dad and Logan, “What was that all about?”

  Logan has moved over to mom and has wrapped his arm around her waist, “I did the same thing when your mom was pregnant with your brother Riley. It’s instinct, and it’s hard to control.” Logan was not one for PDA, so it was sweet to see them like that.

  Dad also cuddled up to Celeste, “It’s natural he will work through it. Just be prepared when it happens.” Seeing the love fest going on made me want Gideon. I turn my attention to the kitchen to help Becky with lunch. When I turn around, Becky and Benjamin are all cuddly too. I can’t help but start crying for no real reason, but I only want Gideon right that second.

  As soon as I start crying, Gideon comes rushing into the kitchen, no shoes on, a shirt in hand, jeans on only. “What is it what happened?” He’s on guard and looks around, confused about what is happening and why I am crying.