


  "We saweeey daddy! We didn't see it! We didn't see it!" Daisy drops the phone. I can hear her runaway.

  Faintly I hear, "Hey, it's going to be OK. Shhhhhh. Your mommy is the strongest person I know. You know how I know?"

  "How?" she manages to get out through sniffles and sobs.

  "Because she's my older sister. Come on, let's finish talking to your dad." I can't see anything; I hear all that's going on. The phone is picked up, and I see the owner of the phone, James.

  He has the girls on his lap, and they are clinging to him. "Hey, James. Thanks for taking care of all the kids."

  "It's no problem. I was always the one being watched, being the youngest and all. I guess it's my turn now. How is she?"