"Why is your apartment so empty?"

Emily asked, the moment Logan stepped in, looking so tired. A new look she had never seen on him.

Logan's eyes scanned her thoroughly. She was seated with legs crossed, on the couch in the living room, hair tied into a loose bun, light make up done on her face. Instead of his shirt which she had put on earlier in the day, she was now dressed in her former attire. The tiger print jumpsuit, with heels buckled at her feet.

Ignoring her question, he asked, "Going somewhere?"

Though he had washed up before returning back home, he still had the smell of motor oil and gasoline hovering around him. As he awaited her answer, he walked to his room while taking his shirt off.

"Yeah. Home. I'm going home."

The shuffling of feet stopped. The air got thicker with silence, apart from the sound of kids playing outside, and a few other noises.