
Emily pressed her phone closer to her ear, as she stepped into the elevator, with Chad behind her. He was dressed in a black and white striped suit, with a black tie hanging from his neck. He had his brown hair jelled upward, and a transparent medicated glass hugging his eyes.

His left hand occupied a black hard back folder, and on his right hand, Emily's red leather handbag, dangled from it.

Immediately they got into the elevator, he scampered forward and pressed down the close door button, seeing as there was no one else wanting to come in with them.

The frown on Emily's face deepened as Drew's sobs continued to fill the line.

"What are you saying Drew? I can't hear you clearly."

Chad stood beside her now, with eyes fixed straight ahead, staring at nothing, but the closed elevator door. Still, Emily could tell he was eavesdropping. She smirked, and shook her head softly.

"Drew, are you on your period? Does it hurt that much today?"