Chapter 41 - Elemental Affinities

[Ding! Subordinate Sasha White is no longer the host's subordinate.]

Sitting on a chair that could only be described as a throne that had different precious metals embedded in it, the man who was also known as the head of the Greadsorn family heard and saw this message.


"That bitch betrayed me." It was already frustrating to lose half of the troops in just 2 days. Now even a third-order witch has left him. This was making Aleesia's father even more frustrated and angry.


"My Lord, I think there is a faction behind that walls that is even stronger than the Principality of the People faction." Everyone standing before the head of the Greadsorn family head had to agree. What could possibly make Sasha betray the noble house that she has been serving for generations? No one had the answer. However, if the other party could make some loyal as Sasha betray the Greadsorn then it would mean that the other party is not simple.


"Hehehe! There is no need to worry. Just a little more time then I will personally crush every rebellion in the city. Whether it's the Principality of the People faction or the zombies, or the faction staying in the slum, I will kill all of them." Everyone felt their souls tremble seeing those red eyes that were shining while reflecting the killing intent.

"For now, bring me any gold-tier cultivator you can find. As for the Principality of the People, do not let their people set into our territory."




Scene change_____

"Things here are more chaotic compared to the slum." Standing at the top of the second wall that was separating the slum from the city, Isaac, Zeno, and Sasha was observing the chaos taking place in the city.

Before the apocalypse, the city was beautifully built. Isaac felt like he had traveled back in time to see the live version of romanesque architecture. The roads were well planned and neatly built. in terms of beauty, this city wouldn't lose the capital. However, the two days long storm has changed everything.

Countless buildings were destroyed or flattened out or burned out or half-destroyed. The roads now had countless big cracks, and small and big craters. The beauty of the past could no longer be seen.


Now the city had turned into a battleground of ruins. Zombies were fighting everywhere. According to Lusha, as a zombie level up, they start to regain their previous memories as a human. Even the lowest level zombies were level 8.

The intelligent zombies were fighting among themselves to level up and get stronger. As far as Isaac could see, there were no humans, only zombies roaming at every corner of the city.


In the center of the city, there was a big Mansion built on high ground. The top of the Mansion was painted in a golden color reflecting the sunlight and shining brightly. The Mansion was the only building that was still intact and not damaged in any way.

The gates that connected the slum to the main cities were closed with 5 meters thick iron doors. This prevented any high-ranking zombies from coming to the slum. Thus, keeping the atmosphere of the slum more peaceful compared to the main city.


"No matter where you look, there are zombies everywhere." Zeno and Sasha sighed in regret. The city was once was the home of hundreds of thousands of people now had turned into a battleground.

"It not like there was any way of preventing this disaster from happening. I am sure every human civilization is currently facing a similar situation to ours." While to others, the arrival of the apocalypse was the beginning of a dark age, to Isaac, the former prince who has lost everything in life, to him this world is the world of treasure. With every step, fate gave him the opportunity to get stronger. Although Isaac wouldn't admit it to anyone, deep down this world was best suited for someone like him.


"Zeno, I remember that you still need to kill 100 first-order and 4 more second-orders right? Then why not start with the first-order zombies that are fighting in front of us?" After saying these words to Zeno, Isaac jumped from the 50 meters high walls.

Seeing the first-order jumping from the height of 50 meters, Zeno panicked while Sasha was beginning to get happy as there was no way a first-order could survive after falling from the height of 50 meters.

'It looks like my freedom is .....Boooom!!" Both Sasha and Zeno widened their eyes in a mix of shock and surprise seeing Isaac landing on the ground without getting injured.


"Are you kidding me? Even a second-order would get seriously injured if they were to jump from a height of 50 meters." At this point, Sasha and Zeno were convinced that their master was anything but ordinary. Measuring Isaac with ordinary means is like trying to measure the deepest lake in the world with a stick.

Lusha, the dragon empress seeing their reaction, sighed in her heart. She too was very shocked when Isaac jumped. Isaac was the only person in the whole world who has given someone who is a Peak existence in this world too many shocks in just less than 72 hours.

Despite being a Peak 7th order, Lusha can't find the reason for Isaac's abnormal powers. No one, not even the Dragon Empress herself could take a third-order when she was a First-order existence.


Unlike Isaac, Zeno didn't take the risk of jumping from a height of 50 meters. No one with their right mind would do that. For him, jumping from this height was like welcoming death with open arms.

"Hey, take me down with you." Zeno lazily said.

Sasha seeing Zeno's lazy attitude felt her heart was boiling in anger. She gritted her teeth and asked in a choked tone. "Why should I listen to your orders?" Before Zeno and Sasha only have met a few times that was also when they were summoned for a meeting by Greadsorn himself.


"Beauty, if you don't take me down then how I am supposed to go down. There are no stairs for going down either." Zeno asked in a flirtatious tone.

"Do whatever you want." As Sasha prepared to leave, at this point she couldn't describe the anger in her heart. She felt if she spent more time with his perverted guardian she would kill him in anger.

"Master, look here. Sasha is not helping me." Hearing Zeno mentioning Isaac, all of her anger immediately disappeared.

"Don't shout, you idiot." Sasha was beginning to panic. Fearing that she would be punished by Isaac.



"Fine, I will take you with me." Sasha spoke in a panicked tone while also looking down fearing if Isaac was going to punish her.

Zeno stopped shouting and looked at Sasha who was gritting her teeth while silently chanting wind magic to carry Zeno with her.


"Hehehe! It seems they would make a great couple." Lusha giggled while covering her mouth. From their interaction, it was clear that Zeno was interested in Sasha. While in front of Isaac, Zeno remained professional. Just as Isaac left, a Romeo version of Zeno came out.

"Things are going getting more and more interesting. It looks like I made the right choice by deciding to observe Isaac."


After the little drama that was unknown to Isaac, both Zeno and Sasha came down. Both of them acted as if they hadn't argued with each other. In front of Isaac, Zeno is always serious and he didn't dare flirt with Sasha in front of the person who he swore to serve.

"Zeno, I think you should get started now." Zeno nodded and took his greatsword that was on his back.

The former western guardian jumped down with a loud sound attracting the attention of the nearby zombies who without a second thought charged at him.


While Zeno had started hunting, Isaac looked at Sasha and asked. "Sasha, do you have any spell that can take out multiple opponents at the same time?"

"I do have some spells that are designed to take out multiple opponents. Does Master want me to see it?" Isaac nodded his head.


Sasha pointed her right hand towards the group of 20 zombies that were fighting among themselves. Isaac then heard some foreign words coming out of her mouth.

About 5 seconds later, 20 arrows began to form above her head. The arrows were made up of fire and were the size of a normal arrow.


With her command, all the 20 arrows flew 50 meters at a very fast speed. Isaac suspected that even a Peak first-order wouldn't be able to dodge all the arrows.



Without missing even a single zombie, all 20 fire arrows took out all 20 zombies.

"Not bad. How much mana did it cost to use this spell?"

"Each arrow cost me about 1 mana. Since I have about [500+], I can use about 500 arrows before running out of Mana." For a witch, having strength was useless. So while Sasha's strength was very low, she focused most of her stats on her mana. As a witch, Sasha mainly relies on her Mana to fight.


"I have fire affinity. While being a witch gives me the ability to use other elemental attacks, using any element other than fire consumes more Mana and the attack is also not that strong. So I mostly use spells that are related to fire affinity." Isaac nodded with an understanding look. The power of a spell and the mana that will be consumed by that spell is largely influenced by elemental affinity.


If Sasha has [S] rank fire affinity, then each of her fire attacks will be very powerful while consuming very less mana. If Sasha had [F] rank fire affinity, then her fire attacks will be not that strong and her fire spells will consume more mana. Similarly, if a person with [A] rank lightning affinity uses fire-type attacks, then that attack will be very weak unless the person puts more mana into his attack.

A person with [S] rank fire affinity can generate an attack having [100+] destructive power by using only [5+] mana. While the very same spell when being used by a person with [F] rank fire affinity will have to use [10+] mana to generate an attack having similar [100+] destructive power. If a third person with [S] rank or any rank lightning affinity, tries to use that fire-type spell, the third person will have to use at least [20+] mana to generate an attack with similar [100+] destructive power.

This is why almost every witch, wizard, and magician don't use other elemental spells for which they don't have any affinity.


A similar thing could be said with elemental-type skills. If a person learns a water-type skill for which they don't have any affinity, that person will never be able to use that water-type skill. But this process is exceptional for Isaac's case.

While others can't use a skill for which they don't have any affinity, the system gave Isaac different elemental affinities when he bought two different elemental skills. The Demon of Flare and the shadow rush skills use fire and Dark-type natures. When Isaac bought these two skills, unknown to him he also received a certain affinity with both fire and dark natures.


While others can gain Dharma points and also buy skills and other things from the shop. The skills that others can buy are limited according to the nature affinity they possess. This itself gives Isaac a huge advantage. Unfortunately, Isaac is still clueless about his new affinities.


Sometimes later, while Zeno and Sasha were killing zombies, they saw a group of people approaching their direction.

"Lusha, do you know anything about them?" Isaac who was recovering his Mana asked Lusha. Currently, Lusha was reading a fantasy novel. From time to time she would giggle causing her mountains to move. Fortunately, no one other than Isaac had such privilege of seeing the most beautiful woman on this planet. Isaac was having a very hard time not looking at Lusha.

Lusha closed the book that she was reading and looked at the group of people coming in their direction. "I do know them. But I wasn't expecting them to come here this quickly."


"Isaac, this is your golden opportunity. Your interaction with them will decide whether you will be able to complete your mission of becoming the ruler of this city within 5 days." Lusha spoke with a mysterious smile and then disappeared.

Lusha knew that Isaac was going to ask her questions after hearing her words. But the system had forbidden her from directly helping any lower existence. Lusha has given him the hint. Now, everything is up to Isaac.


2150+ words chapter.

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