Mrinal was in her house in Kolkata . Though she thought she will be happy or at least she will be in peace , she only felt lonely .
* No no I shouldn't miss him . He is monster , he is so cruel , no . *
** Whom are you kidding Mira ? You are missing him . You are missing your husband . **
* But he is .. is a murderer . I shouldn't feel or think about him . Why I feel for him ? *
** Coz you love him silly girl . **
* No I don't , I can't love him . He is just like him . Monster , cruel .*
** What if he is not ?**
* I saw it with my own eyes .*
** What if it was presented like this ? Maybe there is some mystery behind it ? Some reasons .**
* What should be the reason of girls' trafficking ?*
** Maybe it is a lie . Even he ( Dixit) is not a saint . You should have give him a chance to speak . **
* Should .. should I ? *