Chapter 23

I just pouted and prepared myself because I'm sure they'll really get angry.

"Grandma doesn't want to move until you show up," Big Sister said so I just play with my palms.

As expected, they are really mad. They are often excited when I come home but now, they just treat me like a wind. I couldn't help but be pouty while trying to get their attention. I even showed some gifts from Bali but they just kept quiet while talking with each other.

"I'm sorry that I didn't say about my husband," I said, unable to stop their madness. They looked at me as their eyes narrowed now.

"I don't want to surprise you…" I said while pouting.

'Really, huh? Maybe you didn't tell us because you were ashamed of our presence?" Auntie Puschia asked so my eyes immediately widened. Why would I?

"No, Auntie…" I said. The reason why she immediately smirks at me.