Daniella came in early the next day since she didn't want to be late, so she started walking before six a.m. Daniella was close to the school gate when she noticed William entering the gate at the same time.
She greeted him with a smile and said, "Good morning, William!" William just gave her a lazy look before entering the gate.
Because William did not return her greetings, Daniella's smile faded. "It's early, Daniella," she thought, " So maybe he's not in the mood yet." She went inside and to her classroom.
Because it was still early, her other classmates were already outside once she sat down in her chair. Only a few students were inside with William and Daniella; Bree seemed to be not in the school yet, and Daniella saw that it wasn't in the chair. Daniella rested her head on her arm on the desk while they waited for their teacher, looking at William, who was reading a book.