Some people think so highly of themselves.

Kevin looked at the mom and greed was written all over her.

"Mom, I know Clayton's group of industries but mom this...."

"Shhh!" Stephanie is hushed. "You don't need to stress yourself, honey. Besides, we stand to gain a lot in this marriage. A freaking ten per cent of the shares! Do you know how much that is?"

"Mom, I don't want to know".

"Now you listen to me, you don't have a say in this issue. I bet you, you will understand it soon", she stormed out of the room and Kevin rubbed his head in frustration.

Stephanie requested for the chauffeur to take a detour to the nearest mall so that she could pick up some gifts for her future in-laws.

Holding the helm of her expansive evening gown, she-cat walked towards the jewellery section.

Avery had just come in from another section, she rarely buys jewellery because Lucas had always made sure that the first batch from the factory is delivered to her to choose from.

She had caught sight of diamond cufflinks. It will be Lucas's birthday in two weeks and she ran out of ideas on what to buy for him. Taking a step forward, her eyes were glued to the showcase.

Dressing in simple attire could confuse so many people. Avery dressed in beautiful denim trousers and a shirt which clung to her body. She had an amazing body shape and facial structure. Hence, the attendants ignored her when she came into the jewellery section. They thought she was one of those people who would do window shopping and go around touching items without buying them.

Stephanie had always hated that face even in her death. Avery came into view and no attendant wanted to attend to her. Stephanie smiled smugly. Let's see how you will be embarrassed.

Does she think she owns all the malls in the city of New York?

Some people think so highly of themselves. Ever since they turned into Phoenixes, they think all will be well with them. She snorted internally and focused her attention on the items the attendants were introducing to her.

Picking up the cufflinks box, she carefully scanned the content and found a crack at a conspicuous point which could never be repaired. The attendant hurriedly called out the price of the cufflinks which ran into millions of dollars.

Since Avery didn't look like a wealthy customer, she bypassed her and introduced it to Stephanie. Stephanie hesitated for a while and finally paid for it with her card. Avery smiled meaningfully.

Steph had always derived joy in snatching things from Avery, even now she felt that Avery didn't deserve good things.

Walking up to Stephanie, she whispered some words only two of them can hear.

Steph's face changed and lost colour, this sly bitch. Looking down at the cufflinks, she saw the crack and her strength left her. She knew that the cufflinks had crack issues yet she didn't tell her. How would she return the cufflinks without embarrassing herself before these attendants?

"You knew it yet you never told me. How could you be so wicked and callous?" She asked through gritted teeth. Five million dollars, washed down the drain just like that? No way! This, she will not take it. But what can she do about it?

"What?" Avery feigned hurt. "I thought you loved snatching things from people? I gave you an opportunity and you made good use of it", she raised her well-shaped eyebrows.

Stephanie felt like rushing forward and scratching that beautiful face of hers.

"Good, just good".

"It's very good".

The human heart is very dark and filled with dark thoughts. They are insatiable and filled with envy. Friends can be better than one's siblings at some points but they are the ones who betray most of the time. Avery understood this concept very well but it still came as a shock to her when her own man left her for her friend. Avery sighed as she went into the art and painting works section and bought meaningful paintwork for the son. Lucas already had everything he would ever want. She made a mental note to remind him to bring that lady along when next he visits her.

She had a date that day with Violet in one of the upscale coffee shops. The weather was snowy and she wrapped herself heavily in a thick down jacket and a shawl.

The mall had a coffee shop so she decided to book a room and went up. Downstairs, Violet was still clad in her work attire, although it was simple yet elegant. She had styled her hair to the left and it came tumbling like the sea waves. Recently she had taken fancy to dyed hair so she tinted the tips in pink colour while wearing a matching pink shawl.

She walked up to the receptionist and gave her the room number with the name under the reservation.

" Hello, room 2030. Under Miss Antonio".

The receptionist confirmed and gave her a room card.

Sandra caught sight of Violet but she wasn't sure who it was. She had come specifically to buy a dinner gown suitable for the occasion they had that evening. Had it been she was not in a hurry, she would have gone up to ask for details, it's not like the receptionist will divulge any information to her anyway.

It can't be here, how could it be Violet? She can not afford anything in this mall. All her generation put together can't afford a cup of coffee here. She shook her head cockily and sauntered out of the mall.

Avery had waited for Violet before ordering a hot coffee.

Violet's entrance came with a sweet fragrance she couldn't ignore. She gave her a bear hug and refused to let go for some time. The latter was embarrassed and cleared her throat lightly. Avery was beginning to get attached to this lady's personality and she didn't know why. She wished her son didn't have a woman in his life, she would have match-made them.

The attendants came in and took their orders. Surprisingly, they both loved coffee with little or no milk and sugar. Avery was beyond excited to meet someone like Violet.

They talked about so many topics. Violet got to know that she is a divorcee and has a son.

Avery felt sorry for her when she found out that, she was an orphan who grew up with cruel relatives.

"Say, if I introduce you to my son. Oh my! I almost forgot, my son's birthday is in two weeks. I will communicate the venue and time to you. I hope you will make it", Avery looked excited. Lucas may change his mind if he sees her. She must make sure that this lady comes...

Violet smiled good-naturedly. " Uhmm, I have a boyfriend already. As for your son's birthday, I will try to attend but if I can't I will send a gift. My boyfriend happened to celebrate his birthday that same day".

What an annoying coincidence she hated so much. Avery sighed dejectedly. She had a boyfriend and the guy had a birthday that same day.

Forcing a smile on her face, they wrapped up their discussion and went their different ways.

Violet hurried home but got stuck in the traffic, the snow was piling up In the street and cars couldn't move forward or backwards.

She got frustrated in seconds and by then people had started getting out of their cars. Their fuel was running down by the second and the car warmer wouldn't work anymore sooner or later.

"No, no, no". Not now, please", Violet exclaimed frantically. The fuel gauge was blinking red and it would soon go off with the continuous steaming of the vehicle. It escaped her mind to refuel the car this morning.

She is so useless that she hit her head.

Tapping her phone to make a call, she found out that the signal was nowhere to be found.

"This can't be happening", she muttered. Is she going to freeze to death here?

The other vehicle users were getting into one mall or the other for safety from the snow.

On the other end, Lucas had watched the news and seen the weather. The kids were snuggling together on the couch. He tried to reach out to her but couldn't get through. He stood up and worriedly went to study.

📳"Track her location immediately. Dispatch the helicopter to the scene. I need the result in ten minutes.

📳" Yes boss", the subordinate shivered. Ten minutes? Boss, can you please mercy on him?

The entire road signal had disappeared and no car could be tracked down at this point.

Tracking her from the last time he called her, about an hour ago. She had gone into a mall. Guessing the road she will take back, he hacked into their sever without being noticed and typed in her car plate number.

It showed that she had passed by about almost thirty minutes ago.

Picking up his phone, 📳" this is her co-ordinates. Track her from there", he spoke into the phone.

Violet was getting frustrated with what was happening and just then she heard the sound of a helicopter. Who dares to fly under such weather? The chopper lowered slowly and through a megaphone, her car plate number was announced. She thought she was dreaming. This is a crazy move, she sighed as she watched the inscribed words "Clayton's group of industries" emboldened on the aircraft.

She got onto the aircraft with the help of staff in the chopper. This is too high profile, she sighed once more. She is just a low-level staff for goodness sake.

Lucas received information that she had been rescued and he heaved a sigh of relief. What if something had happened to her? He didn't know how he would have survived.

Violet flew into his embrace immediately after she stepped down from the chopper. Rubbing her hair, he took her hands in his and blew on them.

They both shared a laugh and he took her into the house in a bridal style.

Kevin and the parents had already gotten to their destination before the whole snow issue.

Mrs Miller and Sandra had prepared a table filled with meals for the guests. Sandra had gone up earlier to dress up for the occasion.

Decking herself in a beautiful gown that brought out her curves, she smiled sweetly at her future in-laws while lowering her head. Only Arnold Jones replied with a sincere smile. Stephanie's eyes saw them as a rip-off, she wouldn't have to associate with these people that fell from grace if not for mutual benefits. What if she got infected with their bad luck?

Sandra clenched her fist, she could still remember how this same woman gushed about her beauty and how she created several opportunities for her and the son to be together.

Lowering her head, she hid the hatred and vengeance in her eyes. She lifted her head and smiled sweetly once more at Kevin who looked as disinterested as the mother.

The two of them should just wait, ha! Throwing aside the goose that lays the golden egg after its use had expired? You are yet to be bitten real hard. Who do they think they are to despise her? She is yet to deal with them, especially this mother-son duo.