
"This is why I hate studying," a tired-looking Yuri complained as soon as he found Murata already eating snacks on one of the benches outside his school. "They drain everything in your brain during the exam."

"You always say that, Shibuya. And to think we haven't been reviewing for the midterm exam," Murata calmly stated as he continued eating.

"That, too." Yuri groaned. Seriously, his brain hasn't even recovered from the last exam he had, and here comes another one. "If Mari-san haven't been helping me out even though she was an Art student at the university and extremely busy with kendo club, I guess I wouldn't be able to handle this."

"Ah. Do you mean Akiyama-san? I guess she'd taken a liking to you ever since watching you play at the baseball tournament last year."

Yuri could only laugh at that. The senpai he was talking about was a high school friend of Shori that he met a year before he became the Maoh. Since then, she didn't fail to help him out, especially when it comes to his studies. Akiyama Mari acted like an older sister to him. Besides the fact that they were neighbors, of course.

"It would've been nice if Mari-san became Shori's girlfriend," he commented but soon let out a chuckle. "But then, that would've caused a disaster knowing Mari-san could do kendo."

"You're right. But I heard that Natsukawa-san and your older brother are always seen together, despite taking different courses there," Murata said as soon as he was finished chewing his food. "You know about that, right?"

"Well, that's a given. Chie-san is Shori's childhood friend. But we never got to talk that much, though. One thing I know about her, she's caring and can be quite scary at times. And that she's an archery club member since high school."

The two boys continued their conversation over a few minutes of snacks before dealing with that day's afternoon class. It was a habit they've taken all this time ever since Yuri became the Maoh. And to think three months had already passed since that time he defeated Geneus. Who would've thought that he would still be able to come back to Earth after originally fearing that he won't be able to return home?

At that moment, however, something came up in his mind.

"By the way, did you feel an agitating, powerful presence while we're coming back here the other day?"

That was when Murata froze to his spot as his eyes widened. Yuri knew that question had caught him off-guard, but he remained intently staring at his friend. Soon after, Murata's expression turned grave upon facing him.

"If you felt it while we're crossing dimensions, that means the danger is already at bay," Murata mysteriously responded.

As usual, it confused him. But he could feel the severity of the situation as soon as Murata said the word "danger".

"Wait a minute. You don't mean...?"

All Murata did was nod without losing the grave expression on his face. "We need to go back to Shin Makoku as soon as possible before something worse happens. We have to prevent it while we can."

"Prevent what?"

Both boys were surprised upon hearing that question coming from a female possibly standing behind them. When they turned around, they saw Yuri's tutor Akiyama Mari who also possessed black eyes and black hair just like him and Murata.

"What are you two discussing?" Mari asked innocently.

Yuri could've laughed nervously but didn't have the guts to do so for some reason.

"Prevent Shibuya from failing the midterm exam," Murata immediately answered with a grin. Yuri only glared at his friend for saying such a lie. But then, that would probably help them escape an interrogation.

"Isn't that supposed to be my job?" Mari said with a smile and patted Yuri's head. "But don't pressure yourself about it yet, okay? We still have a month and a half to review and prepare for that. I'll help you with it."

"T-thank you, Mari-san." Yuri heaved a sigh soon after. When he looked up, he saw another of his brother's friends (and possible future girlfriend), the sandy brown-haired Natsukawa Chie beside Mari waving at him. He returned the gesture to the brunette with a smile. "How are you, Chie-san? I haven't seen you in a month."

"Well, I've been busy with so many things at the university and the archery club, but I can handle it," Chie answered. "I hope Mari here isn't giving you a hard time."

"You're being mean again, Chie. I'm being a good tutor and older sister here to Yuri, you know," Mari whined.

Both Murata and Yuri could laugh at the antics displayed in front of them. The same goes for Shori's other friends namely Fuyumine Nobu and Harusaki Rina whom they also met and befriended, as well. In fact, from what Yuri knew, Rina had always been Murata's senpai and mentor. Nobu could only sigh and shake his head.

"Oh, well. At least Yuri and Ken wouldn't have to worry about anything related to exams when they have reliable mentors like us to help them through," Rina said which earned him a wide smile from Murata.

"Yeah. Just don't fill their heads with too much information or they won't even make it to the day of the exam if that happens," Nobu nonchalantly added which earned him glares from the three girls.

At the very least, the people important to them had made them smile like this for a while. That is before they faced a certain danger that, unknown to them, would unveil several secrets enough to change their lives forever.