
"It's because of the memories that it holds. And Rina, I know you're aware of my ability that causes me to become sentimental over some things related to the previous Beast Knights. Especially those who died and were killed that time," Mari responded, much to the others' surprise.

When they turned, they saw Mari already looking at Rina with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry for suddenly making you pissed about it, Mari-san," Yuri said after a few moments.

It didn't take long for the said woman to heave a sigh to calm herself at least for a bit. "I'm not pissed. It's already in Rina's nature to become worried about me when I started acting as if I don't care about my surroundings at all whenever I would look at the castle. So there's no need for you to apologize, Yuri."


"By the way, Akiyama-san, this Hanz person you and Rina-senpai were talking about... Could it be that he's...?"

Mari nodded once. "He's the other surviving Beast Knight. The Silver Wolf Knight, Hanz Erehalt Kaiser of the Western Aristocratic Family. He's quite a proud Esovian Mazoku and a dutiful Beast Knight if you ask me."

"I can imagine you're having a hard time dealing with him if you've ever interacted with that kind of person, Mari," Shori commented.

"That's not necessarily true."

At that, Shori frowned upon hearing Rina say those words. "What do you mean?"

"Hanz is what I could consider Mari's mentor ever since she arrived here. They're close."

"Eh? Mari, is that true?"

The said woman nodded. Done quite innocently, at that. "He's not that scary since he looked quite young for his age. And I mean if we were to base it on the way humans would age. If I'm not mistaken, he's around the same age as Lord von Bielefield. But then again, he's quite proud of his race and duty as a Beast Knight. A surviving one, at that. So I guess there's no surprise that he became like that after all this time."

After that, Rina was the one who drove the yacht. Surprisingly, the vehicle was fuelled and controlled using maryoku. But unlike Anissina's mechanisms, only one person was allowed to control the yacht and it doesn't drain that person's maryoku even when used.

"Say, Mari-san..." Yuri started.

Mari faced the young king as soon as she heard that. "What is it?"

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you. About the ability that you said you have that you and Rina-san brought up."

"Oh, that? Don't worry, Yuri. I'll tell you about it once we reach the capital. I promise. But before that..." Mari stopped talking and turned to face Yuri's retainers, mainly the three brothers and Yozak whom she attacked earlier. "I hope I didn't injure you during that time. I won't be able to ask Rina to heal those wounds if ever I ended up hurting you guys."

Without a doubt, they were surprised to hear that from Mari. Nevertheless, they all couldn't help feeling glad for her concern.

"You don't have to worry about anything. But I must admit that you truly have the skill to defeat us back there." It was Conrad who said those words.

"Well, I do have a duty to protect everyone on this island. So I can't help getting caught up with it."

"It seems to me you have a bigger role in this world than just a mere warrior protecting the island of the Kingdom of Esovia," Gwendal commented.

"You could say that."

Not long after, the yacht was nearing the dock in which they could see some people already waiting for their arrival. But Conrad's attention remained focused on Mari who eyed the castle once more with a placid expression. What was it about the castle that made her like this? He couldn't believe that his curiosity about this woman was slowly escalating as time passed by.

But just like what the two young women said earlier, Klaus would be the one to explain things to them. Conrad was hoping, though, that the questions he had ever since the Beast Knights topic was brought up would be answered with no restrictions and hesitation.

He soon eyed the Roseberke Castle, as well. His eyes softened as several thoughts ran into his mind. But one of them had truly stood out.

'I've come here again... Lyall...'


Much to Yuri's surprise, the people waiting by the yacht's docking area were all members of the Five Aristocratic Families. The moment Mari and Rina mentioned it, he couldn't help feeling his sweat turning ice cold at the thought of facing the five leaders of those Aristocratic Families this early. Even when Mari said jokingly that they won't bite, he really couldn't keep still and stop feeling nervous.

Damn it! What was he supposed to do now?

"They might not have seen the Maoh's face at all, but they were all aware of what you have done for the sake of Shin Makoku and this world. If I had known that it was you, I should've left the island before for me to meet the new Maoh personally," Mari said with an encouraging smile. "And now that I know it was you, I'm sure I'd be able to do everything to preserve it. So those things like war and such would never happen again to destroy the world and both races of humans and Mazoku."

"Thank you, Mari-san," Yuri said gratefully. Indeed, the young Maoh couldn't help feeling grateful to have gained a new supporter. And to think it was his mentor back on Earth. He was hoping that he'd be able to gain the support of the Beast Knights and the five houses' leaders to protect his kingdom and end the attacks of the Phantasma somehow.

Soon after, the yacht finally docked by the small lake harbor. Mari and Rina were the first to get off the yacht to explain things first to the people waiting. As soon as Rina announced that both the Maoh and the Daikenja were present and now on the island together with the two ladies, that was when the two aforementioned important people got off of the yacht and gave respect to the people who had been waiting for their arrival, despite their nervousness.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Your Majesty," a regally looking woman with purple bob-cut hair and green eyes said quite politely and even bowed.

"The same here," Yuri sheepishly replied since he wasn't expecting such a greeting from her. When he looked around to see the other regally looking people, he saw how they all eyed the Maoh with such respect even though this was the first time he appeared to anyone among the Esovian Mazoku. He looked at the younger-looking woman once again before speaking. "Forgive me for suddenly appearing to all of you like this, though. And to think this was the first time I've known the existence of the Esovian Mazoku... To be honest, I couldn't help feeling ashamed."

"There's no need for you to feel that way, Your Majesty," a middle-aged man with golden yellow hair said as he stepped forward and bowed to Yuri. "There are certain circumstances surrounding the secrecy of our existence, so, understandably, even you would never know about us."

"Let's head back to the castle for now so we could discuss this urgent matter that you've mentioned to the soldiers by the sea border," another regal woman, though looking older than the first, said gravely, soon changing the welcoming atmosphere to a tensed one in a matter of seconds.

But the rest of them could understand the sudden change, though. Especially Murata who hadn't said a word all this time since they got off the yacht.

"I guess there's no use mentioning the reason for them to be here," Rina uttered before sighing. Soon after, she faced Mari who was talking to Shori. "Mari, did you have a hand with this?"

"No. I haven't even used my powers even during the time I was fighting King Yuri's retainers. And I couldn't possibly send a message to the leaders using my wind powers while we were inside the forest."

"Then... how did the leaders become aware of this urgent matter? If I should judge it with the way Lady Vluerona said those words, it seems that the leaders already knew the topic of the urgent matter that His Majesty and His Eminence wanted to talk about to the five houses' leaders and even the Beast Knights."

"It was Klaus who mentioned the possibility of an attack coming from our ancient enemies and now targeting Shin Makoku for some reason, Knight Rina." This time, a slightly older-looking man with faded mahogany brown hair spoke and faced Rina.

However, the last words that the man said had not only surprised Yuri and his companions but also answered one important question that had been bugging them all this time ever since encountering Mari and Rina in the forest.

"Knight Rina? Rina-senpai, does this mean...?"

The said woman only sighed and faced their Mazoku companion. "I guess there's no use hiding it anymore, huh?"

"Well, Lord Reinhardt already blurted it out," Mari said rather lightly and with a shrug.

"Mari-san, are you saying that both you and Rina-san...?"

Mari nodded. "That's right. The real reason why Rina and I were brought here to this world was that the Beast Spirits had chosen us to fulfill the roles of being Beast Knights."

Without a doubt, that came as a shock to Yuri and Shori. Though Murata's face doesn't show it, the revelation became too much for him to internalize. As for Yuri's subjects, they were also surprised by that answer. However, Conrad wanted to know one more thing about Mari and Rina's roles as Beast Knights of Esovia.

Though before he could voice it out, another voice disrupted the flow of his thoughts. And this one was something familiar to him even after more than two decades had passed since they last talked.

"It seems you finally decided to come here again... Lord Weller."

When they all turned to the source of that voice, Conrad's eyes slightly widened at the sight of a familiar person now approaching them. This one was also regally looking, having mint green hair and light blue eyes.


Klaus smiled as soon as he stopped just a few steps in front of Conrad. "Welcome back."

Three more people accompanied Klaus at the time. But two of them - a male and a female - seemed to be somebody familiar to Yuri, Shori, and Murata, as well.

"You got to be kidding me... Even Nobu and Chie are here, as well?" Shori was only able to say it because of the surprise he felt upon seeing his friends all gathered in one location.

"Isn't this too much of a coincidence?"