
It might be hard to get through the day, then remember my words. You are not alone... ~ Focus On Me, Cha Eun Woo


The four-day journey from Esovia to Shin Makoku had finally come to an end when the port was in their sight that one morning, much to the delight of the Mazoku and their Beast Knights companions. From his position, Conrad was observing Mari once again, to see her reaction to the sight that greeted them all. Aside from amazement, it appeared that she wasn't sensing anything else -- an indication that, somehow, the Wind Tiger Knight hadn't felt anything foreboding around them.

With that thought, the said soldier decided to prepare for their arrival. It seemed that carriages and horses from the capital prepared for the Maoh had been on standby as the ship was slowly reaching the docks.

"This is indeed different from what I'd usually read in books about this place," Chie commented as she looked around. "Then again, I guess having a new ruler after that war had given this place a new sense of freedom and peace, huh?"

Rina nodded and looked around, as well. "Even though we've never been here, it feels as if we've been to this place for so long. It's weird."

"It's not weird, because we have inherited the memories of the people who had lived here before. Then again, things and reasons they didn't want to say to their friend had made them decide to go away," Mari said as she faced her friends. "Who would've thought we'd be able to visit this place for the reason that made them leave Shin Makoku a long time ago?"

No one said anything after that. Yuri thought that the Beast Knights might have recalled things that belonged to their ancestors, and it made their companion silent. Then again, they had no idea what the Knights were thinking at the moment.

It didn't take long before the ship finally anchored down and settled on the docks. It was Yuri who decided to leave the ship first as he wanted to do something. Wolfram, Murata, and Shori soon followed, then Gwendal, Conrad, and Yozak. It did confuse the Beast Knights, though. But they soon understood the reason for the young Maoh to leave the ship in a hurry.

With a proud smile, Yuri soon spoke. "Mari-san, Rina-san, Chie-san... I welcome you to the kingdom of Shin Makoku."

The said ladies couldn't help smiling as soon as each of them left the ship, as well. As part of the manners and customs they've learned, the three of them bowed to the Maoh.

"It is an honor to be here, Your Majesty," Chie said as soon as she raised her head.

"To finally see the kingdom that you ended up changing in such a short time, being here is indeed a great honor," Rina spoke after that.

As for Mari, she didn't say anything at first and just smiled at Yuri. Of course, he found it weird. But then he saw her looking up towards the road leading to the capital before facing him. "I'm truly proud of you."

Yuri didn't see that coming, though. Even if he was indeed surprised at his mentor's words, it didn't take long. Soon after, he smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Mari-san."

Though two carriages were prepared, the Beast Knights chose to ride on horses instead. They reasoned that it would be easier for them to make a move if they were outside the carriage just in case something unexpected happened. The second carriage was then used to load the ladies' baggage and other stuff they brought from Esovia.

Though they didn't want to make a big deal out of it, it appeared that there was more to Mari's words about being able to move easier while outside the carriage. The soldiers with them chose to remain alert just in case the Wind Tiger Knight's words did happen.

Working up the courage and also out of curiosity, Conrad decided to ride beside Mari which surprised her. Nevertheless, she didn't say anything that would indicate anything about not liking him beside her.

"Is there something you'd like to ask me, Lord Weller?" Mari asked while looking at the road that they were paving leading to the capital.

"You've sensed something, didn't you? That's why you said that."

It took a while for Mari to respond as if she appeared to be concentrating. Even with that, Conrad waited for her reply.

"Not just me. I know that even Rina and Chie sensed it, as well. It looks like we'd be dealing with them sooner than expected." After that, Mari faced Conrad with a grave expression. "You stay by Yuri's side when we start encountering them. Let the three of us deal with it."

The soldier nodded almost immediately which made Mari smile gratefully. They continued riding together which the others considered weird. But they decided not to say anything, especially Yuri and Shori who knew what Mari could do when teased and she didn't like it one bit. They soon reached a certain village along the road. At first glance, no one considered it weird to not see anyone there. It was only when the three Knights made their horses stop that the rest had finally realized that something was happening.

"What's wrong?" Conrad ended up asking as he noticed Mari's calculating gaze on the east side of the village.

Not long after, Chie gave a foreboding answer. "They're here."

Mari faced Conrad after that and the soldier nodded. At once, he headed towards the carriage that the Shibuya brothers and Murata were riding at.

"Your Majesty, please stay here."

"What's going on?" Shori couldn't help asking. But the grave look on the brothers and also that of Murata had appeared to have given him the answer to that.

"What about Rina-senpai and the other Knights?" Murata inquired when he sensed something strange as they halted to a stop.

The worried look on Yuri's face had strengthened Conrad's resolve to stay by his side and protect him, just as he had promised to Mari a while back. He soon faced Murata. "They'd be the ones to deal with the Phantasma, Your Grace. Right now, they've asked me to stay with you and let you reach the Blood Pledge Castle unharmed."

"Wait a minute! We can't leave them here!" Yuri exclaimed.

But before any of them could make a move to leave, they heard several low growls coming from a certain direction. Though Yuri and the others didn't have to look for the source of it, it seemed that the Beast Knights already knew what it was.

"Are they...?"

Conrad nodded in response to Yuri's question. "It is, Your Majesty. It's the Phantasma. That means we have to take you out of here."

The young king couldn't do anything but heed the soldier's words and start the carriage to get away from there. But even as it was riding away, Yuri decided to look back. It was then that he got to see the humanoid creatures in groups running in the direction of the three Beast Knights, with Conrad and Yozak not far from them. Even Wolfram and Gwendal looked back, just in time to see the three Knights materialize their respective weapons.

"So this is what they've been trained for all this time," Yozak couldn't help commenting as he and Conrad were watching the Knights fight.

But it appeared that Conrad wasn't listening to any of it. He just paid attention to the battle going on not far from their position. Or to be specific, he was watching the way a certain Knight was fighting.

'Please, be careful...'