Chapter 2

I find myself floating. Everything that surrounds me is very dark and I can't see anything. 

"What was I doing again?" I asked myself dumbfoundedly

What the--- I can't hear my voice? I tried saying different words yet no sound came out of my mouth. I tried shouting as loud as I could yet only bubbles are appearing in my mouth. Bubbles? Am I under the ocean or something? Wait a minute, in the first place, where am I? The moment I have these panic thoughts in my mind, I heard a sound. I don't know where exactly is the sound coming from but I am hearing it quite faintly.

"Reacti---- A------ Cons----- Reacti---- A------ Cons----- Reacti---- A------ Cons----- Reacti---- A------ Cons-----" 

I can't figure out what the sounds are, but I could confidently say that it is some sort of message. Is the message meant for me? If it is then what is it---


"AHH!!!!!!" I shouted.

I woke up and started breathing heavily. Was that I nightmare? In all honesty, that was way too real to be a nightmare. I observed my surroundings and, how do I explain this, I feel like it is one of those rooms wherein they will experiment with your body and mind like those in sci-fi movies I watched. The room is completely white, yes, total color white from the floor to the ceiling. The room is totally clean I can't even see a speck of single dirt in this room. Currently, I am on top of a bed (it is still color white) that I believed I slept for the night. Lastly, there is a big mirror in front of me, but I watched too many sci-fi movies that the mirror is a window wherein someone is monitoring me from the other side. I can't still conclude where am I but there is only one thing for me to do. 

"What the fuck are you doing to me, Rick!!!!!" I shouted angrily. 

If this was a sci-fi movie, the plot would be me losing my memories or some sort but nope. I still remember everything before I was knocked unconscious. 

After I shouted, a door opened right beside the large window. A nurse entered the room and I am quite surprised. First of all, the occupation of 'nurses' nowadays is not played by people anymore, the job is now assigned to robots who are programmed to do so. Right now, it is a beautiful girl with a nurse outfit that is approaching me which is completely new to me but I concluded that she is just here to check my health. 

"I am here for your diagnosis, please sit down on the bed sir," she said as she stopped in front of me. 

She has brownish hair, an average height for a woman who hits her 20s. The only thing that stands out for me is the scar on her chin that goes down to her collarbone. But overall, she is a gorgeous woman. If I were to guess, she might be a soldier who is tasked with the medical side of things. Welp, I will just ask then. 

"Are you a soldier or something?" I asked

"No, I am a professional mercenary" she answered

The moment she answered, she punch me in the stomach and injected me with something. 

Come on, really, I just woke up and somebody whom I don't know knocks me down again. 

"I'm sorry, I was tasked to save you, but according to the intel they gave me. This is the only way to get you out of this facility," she answered in a monotone voice. 

Saved me? Is he trying to save me from Rick? I am lost right now and I am quite sleepy. Huh? Sleepy? I just woke up a while ago. I see, the injection caused this then. 



I woke up yet again. The moment I open my eyes, a man with a mechanical eye and a lab coat is above me. Are they experimenting with me? Hmmm, both my hands and feet are free. Looks like I could escape then. 

The man with a mechanical eye noticed I was awake and I quickly jumped out of the bed, lock both of his hands and feet, and pin him down on the floor. 

"Where am I and what are you planning to do on me?" I asked in a hostile tone

I was waiting for him to answer but the door of the room opened and the same girl who was dressed as a nurse spotted me and rush towards me. 

Her movement is very precise but I could easily dodge them. Now that I know she ain't a nurse, it won't be the same outcome as last time. If I were to guess what is she trying to do, she is trying to land a solid hit on me and will put the same injection on me as last time. She is very fast and as I guess, she is aiming at every weakness a body has like my chin, neck, stomach, heck, even my genitals. I am only defending so far trying to find ways to counterattack attack and I found an opening. 

I caught her kick that is aiming for my chin and interlocked it with my other hand. With that, I throw her to the wall nearest to us. But she quickly recovered from the impact and she quickly put her hand on her hips as if she is getting something. I realize she will bring up her gun or something similar that is why I rush in towards her. The moment she pointed the gun at my chest, I tried to swoop away her gun with my left hand but her grip is strong she did not lose it so the next action I should do is---

"Stop it, Rose, he will misunderstand our purpose if you fight him any longer," the man with a mechanical man said. 

By the looks like if I manage to knock him down unconscious and he just woke up. Wews, now I am terrified of my strength. 

"But sir, he might be dangerous. A virus or a foreign chip might be inside of his brain" the girl named Rose replied. 

"Huh? To be completely honest with you, I don't know a single word you are talking about." I replied. 

"It's okay Rose, I already ran a diagnostic test on his brain, as far as our current equipment could manage to do, there is no foreign object inside of his brain." the man said. 

"But still, our equipment is very outdated compared to other organizations, we can't just lower our guard," she replied

Hmmmm, by the looks of it, they are not planning to do anything to me that would harm me in any way. But it doesn't mean I could trust these guys. First and foremost, let's gather information, shall we? 

"First of all, let's stay calm, shall we. I promise I won't move to my current spot as long as you guys answer my questions. If I sense any lie to your words, I am quite confident that I could defeat both of you." I lied, the girl is better than me currently. She has a gun and is good in hand-to-hand combat.

"Yes, yes, yes. We understand. If that also helps you trust us a little bit, then I'll answer honestly." the man answered. 

The man looks at the girl named Rose as if telling her to put down the gun. 

"Then, what are your questions?" the man asked. 

I have a lot of questions but among them, I think these 2 questions are important ones. 

"Who are you? And what are you planning to do to me?"