Just a message

Hello to all the people who will read my novel.

I don`t know if my novel will be of your liking or not. But I sincerly wish that my novel may be of your liking and I can get some of your suport which very valuable for me.

I have set my mind to able post atleast three chapters per week. As I am working so with my working schedule and personal life schedule I am trying to do it.

I will be reaaly grateful to you all if you all will like my work. I am late today publishing my work or I might get late publish my work with the timing but the publishing schedule which I have decided will remain same for as long i am able to write, it will not be changed.'

I can`t express my self well but I tried to say all things that were in my mind and I hope you all will understand it. So with this I will not take take your much time. Chapter 1 will be ublished very soon.

Thank you all and stay safe.