The Preparation Part - 2

After saying that both Lan Yue and A`Xin left the office of Chief Wang, leaving both Chief Wang and Lan Xiang alone in Chief Wang`s office to tal with each other. Then both Lan Yue and A`Xin came out of the village welfare office building and started to walk towards they are homes.

Then Chief Wang and Lan Xiang who were alone inside Chief Wang`s office looked at each other with a very serious expression on their face as if they were having a very deep trouble about something which they were hiding from the everyone in the village and that it was something that Lan Xiang wanted to know about in full detail as this matter concerns the entire village.

But both of them did not said anything and a dead drop silence is what that was present in between both the people.

Meanwhile, some where on the village road which was leading towards a particular direction two young people were walking together. These young people were one young boy and one young girl.

The boy is none other than Lan Yue and the young girl is none other than A'Xin. They were walking towards their home together while enjoying the view of their village which was being decorated for the annual village festival.

After walking for some distance A'Xin said something to Lan Yue,

A'Xin : "Yue'er what are you doing for the preparation of the festival?"

Lan Yue : "Nothing much but as you know I am preparing a play with our other friends on the concept of the establishment of our village."

Lan Yue : " what about you? What are you preparing for the village festival?"

A'Xin : "I am preparing something special for festival."

Lan Yue : "Really tell me about it, please."

A'Xin : " No, I will not tell you about it. You will know about it at the festival night."

Meanwhile inside Chief Wang's office two people were sitting face to face and are having a serious conversation.

Chief Wang : " Doctor Lan do not worry about anything. There is no such troubles for us."

Lan Xiang : "Chief Wang, I know there is some problem which has been troubling you."

Chief Wang : "Doctor Lan, if there would be any kind of problem then I will definitely share with every villager."

Chief Wang: "I would not hide any of these matters from any of the villagers which is very important."

Even if Chief Wang tried to assure Lan Xiang that there is no such troubles or problems coming towards the village. But Lan Xiang can feel that there is a problem a lurking in the shadows trying to harm their village.

And Lan Xiang's concerns were not like any empty concern. There is truly a problem which hidding in the shadows waiting for the correct moment in which it can attack the Jiang village.

And the reason why Lan Xiang is feeling about the trouble is because of the behaviour Chief Wang is been showing for the last few days. For the Lan Xiang who is doctor who can find any kind of disease which has affected any human instantly by observing that person, the behaviour of Chief Wang had made him suspicious about the problem which was coming towards their village without anyone knowing.

Meanwhile Lan Yue and A'Xin who were walking towards their homes met with some of their friends on the road and stopped there for a moment to have a conversation with them.

[Author's Note]

Hello everyone first of all I want to thank you all for reading my novel. I am really grateful to you all. I know the publishing timing of my novels chapter is not the regular one this because currently I am not at my home. So the timing is a little messed up but I promise from tomorrow onwards everything will be alright. Thank you all.